8 Things You Need to Do Right After Being in a Car Accident

Car Accident

Nobody likes thinking about it and everybody hopes it never happens, but smart people always prepare for it nonetheless. If you drive a car or any other motor vehicle, then there is always a chance that an accident might happen, irrespective of whose fault it is. If you are ever in such an unfortunate situation, and none of the people involved are in any immediate danger (if they are, you should call for medical help before everything else), here are the eight things that you need to do first.

Stop and Check

It doesn’t matter if the accident seems small or not, always stop and check for the damage done to both parties. Check on yourself, your passengers and the other party.

Call the Police

As mentioned earlier, in case of emergencies, you should call for help first, but even if the situation is not urgent, do make that call to the police soon after the accident because you will need a police report for claiming insurance.

Call Your Lawyer

If you are the victim of an accident that was someone else’s fault and you are injured or your car has been significantly damaged, call your motor vehicle accident lawyer as soon as possible. He/she will tell you exactly how to proceed and what to do in order to make sure that you receive the rightful compensation you deserve as a victim in an accident. Even if you are more at fault, your motor vehicle accident lawyer will be able to assist you in figuring out what to do next to help minimize the damage that has already been caused.

Exchange Information

You will need to exchange information with the other party, which includes the full name, phone number, insurance details and policy number, license plate number, driving license information and details (model, make, color, etc.) regarding the vehicles involved.

Take Pictures and Videos

Nothing acts as better proof than pictures and videos taken from your phone, so take pictures/videos of the damage done to your car and do so from multiple angles. Click the damages received by the other vehicle as well. Take pictures of the information details shared with you, or at least the license plate number of the other party’s car.

Contact Insurance

After the police and the lawyer, it’s time to contact the insurance company and tell your agent about the whole incident. If you are missing something important that could be of help while claiming the insurance money, the agent should be able to remind you of that.

Identify the On-Scene Police Officers

You are within your rights to ask for the names and badge numbers of the police officers responding to the scene, therefore, do so for future reference. Also, ask for a copy of the accident’s report, as filed by them, or at least when and where you can get access to it.

Get Yourself Checked

It isn’t uncommon for people to be in accidents and suffer hidden internal injuries, without even realizing that fact. Therefore, always get yourself and all the passengers checked at the hospital right after an accident to make sure that is not the case.

Do note down the headlines of these points and keep the list in your car or in your wallet at all times because right after an accident, it is more than likely that your head won’t exactly be working as well as it usually does. By having this list in your pocket, you will know exactly where to turn to, even amidst all the confusion.